We were on night three of my 20 month old fighting a nasty bug. All the sips of pedialyte, changes of clothes, new warm, fresh out of the dryer blankets, and even snuggling up with momma just wasn’t going to budge this virus. I sat back in my daughter’s rocker holding my lady close-once again recovering from getting sick all over the both of us-and just felt completely helpless. We were both exhausted. I rocked and allowed my selfish mind to worry how I would face ANOTHER restless night.
Missouri did finally get the memo that it is in fact fall! Temperature dropped that evening which meant the house was opened up and the much needed fresh air was making it’s way into our home. Rocking back and forth, I focused in on my daughter’s window. The window was opened but her big pink curtains were closed creating a bubble of trapped air as the breeze made it’s way in. Then, slowly, the bubble would disappear forcing the curtains to shift tightly to the window.
In. And out. In. And out.
All I could think was, just breathe.
My grandpa taught me the 4-7-8 breathing technique to help me shut off my loud brain at night. You start by breathing in through your nose for 4 seconds. Then, hold your breath for 7 seconds ( I don’t ever find that to be easy for some reason). Finally, exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds. It’s kind of fun to watch your heart rate drop on your Fitbit and hopefully convince your body to enter the much needed sleep mode; fingers crossed those sweet babies stay asleep.
God designed our bodies so well we aren’t responsible for telling everything inside how to do it’s job. Breathing is something we just do without thinking. However, when we do take the time to stop and catch our breath, a load is lifted.
After something as simple as repeating the process of deep, slow breaths we can focus. Not focus on the problem, but focus on what we do know.
I do know this sickness will pass.
I do know I will get to sleep again ( Maybe when I’m about 99 years old, lol)
I do know that God is always faithful and draws me near in times of such uncertainties.
Heavy loads and even seasons can make us feel as if we are drowning in our doubts. It’s no joke that when it rains, it pours. It’s never clear in the moment why God would allow such a trail to be faced. In fact, I think He often doesn’t want us to know as we walk through because
with our own understanding we lack His.
We certainly will have uncertainties (badump bump).
Hold on do what we know and cling to our Father who is always faithful.
And don’t forget to breathe. This too shall pass.